Brian Miller's Online Design Portfolio
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Boeing Boeing
by Mark Camoletti
Bas Bleu Theatre Company
Directed by Cheryl King
Scenic Design
May 2017

"The wonderful set on the Bas Bleu stage provides the immediate idea that the audience is in for some
door-slamming farce. Six or seven (I lost track of the count) doors provide enormous fun for arriving
and exiting, such is the joy of French farce. In "Boeing Boeing" the doors are not slammed, but are opened
and closed in split-second timing as the cast comes and goes with clock-like precision.
Bas Bleu is not known to be a mecca for farces. It has outdone itself, howeer, with "Boeing Boeing."
The plot is crazy, the set is a wonder, and the acting is first rate.
Director Cheryl King has created a joyful group of thespians hard-pressed to keep a straight face
throughout the knee-slapping hilarity. Brian Miller is credited with designing the wonderful set,
and Dennis Madigan's lighting is effective. "Boeing Boeing" soars."
- Tom Jones, Colorado Theater Reviews
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Miller ©
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