Brian Miller's Online Design Portfolio
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by Peter Shaffer
Bas Bleu Theatre Company
Directed by Robert Braddy
Lighting Design
June 2018

I brought a friend to yesterday's performance of EQUUS and we
were absolutely blown away by the powerful performance by David and
as well as the other performers, then the horses, the staging, the
choreography, the turntable, the lighting... nothing was overlooked.
This is a
3 hour play but you were completely so engrossed in the play that you
didn't realize it was 3 hours. - Theater patron Marilyn
I alsways feel funny saying I like or dislike a play... but this is
certain... EQUUS is the best I've seen in Fort Collins. All aspects of
the production
are outstanding. Bravo all who participated!!! - Theater patron Joann Thomas
I was at opening night of EQUUS at Bas Bleu. DON'T MISS IT!!! It's a
terrific show with magnificent performances, beautiful lighting and a
worthwhile evening. Congrats to Director Bob Braddy and your thoroughly professional cast and crew! - Theater patron Don Kraus
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Website and photographs by Brian
Miller ©
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